Thursday, August 14, 2008

A "BIG" Week

The theme in our house this week is "Big Boy". Elias is becoming a big boy. First, the paci...

About a month ago, Elias had his 18 month check up. The Dr. said he looked great, except for his mouth. Due to his love for his paci, Elias was developing a ridge in his mouth caused by sucking. The Dr. strongly encouraged us to discontinue paci use and as he put it, go "cold turkey". Since we were leaving for vacation the next day and wanting to enjoy our vacation, we let Elias keep the paci while we were gone. Well, we got home this week and last night was THE NIGHT. After dinner, Elias threw his pacis away, saying a good "bye bye" and headed outside for a popsicle. When bedtime came, he asked for his pacis but was told that they were "bye bye" and "all done". The first few minutes were great...and then the crying started. To his credit, he only cried for 1 hour 45 minutes, after which he fell asleep, exuasted and slept through the night! Todays naptime and bedtime have been much better. What a big boy!

Now for the second....Elias got his first haircut today! That is right, 19 months and no haircut. The 'wings' were starting to get really long and he was beginning to look a little girl like, so we thought it was time. Since Ben has always gone to a good, old fashioned barber and has said that Mathew men will only go to barbers, off we went to Daddy's barber, Fred. Elias did a GREAT job, no crying or fussing...and Mom did pretty well too!

Fred the barber. Note the long hair!

A little smile, but at least no tears
Elias checking out Fred

This haircut is serious business

A great smile

Admiring his new look

A big boy now


Rachel H said...

Way to go, Elias! A haircut and paci boot camp. You are one brave Guy!

The haircut is darling!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Jenna! He looks so grown up! What a big week for MOMMY! Can't wait to see you soon. Love to catch up and hear all about your travels.

the keith fam said...

aww, he does look like such a big boy now!

Jessie said...

It is amazing what a haircut will do to your child's look. My kids always look older after haircuts.

Grant and Jodie said...

your boys are such studs!!! and just for the record, the cubs mobile will be coming out of the room as soon as Cambria moves in...don't want to give her nightmares. ha.

The Essons said...

Wow Jenna -he is so big and so gorgeous! Love to all of you!