Thursday, January 10, 2008

Birthday #3

Being only 1, Elias sure got a lot of birthday parties. We celebrated his birthday over 3 weeks with 3 parties. The first being in Canada with Ben's family, the second with my family and the third (and last!) just this week with friends from Emmaus and church. A special friend of the family, Stephanie celebrated her birthday over break, so we had a double party for Elias and Steph when all their friends came back to Dubuque.
The birthday cake...can you tell that it is balloons? The idea seemed easy, but it was work for me!

Birthday buddies!

Eating a piece of his birthday cake...I am not sure how much got into his mouth.

Andrew Daughters, one of Elias' favorite friends from church, came to the party. Elias was so excited!
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Hilary said...

The cake looks great Jen! We're sorry we missed the party :( Glad it was good though!

Jenna M said...

Hil -
Did you notice the bowl with the candy in it? We got it from some nice people!:)
love you.

Hilary said...

Wow, that is nice! :) Love you guys too and wish we could have made the party. Give "Eeeee" a kiss for us.

Rachel H said...

JENNA!! You are never going to believe this, but I thought about you this very morning! How weird is that?! I just finished reading your entire blog. What a sweet fam you have...Hilary too! You guys all look so happy. So #2 is arriving soon, huh? Congrats!! It really is just a little more work but 5x the fun! You will love having two little babies to love on! Keep in touch!