Thursday, February 7, 2008


We arrived at the hospital this evening after a relaxing dinner at last time with just the 3 of us. Elias is at Grandma and Grandpa's doing great we hear...

The induction started around 8 pm and things are progressing well. I am having contractions about 2 minutes apart, but they are not too painful yet. Ben is watching TV and I am resting. The Dr. did say that he predicts a baby by morning....we are hoping... Hopefully the next update will be with pictures of a new Mathew!


Jason, Angie and Brady said...

It's about 7:30 AM there...I'm thinking you probably have a new baby!! I will be a good friend and I WON'T call :)

You are so cute, posting blogs and emailing while in labor. (I got your email, thanks :)

Love you!

Williams' Family said...

Hope all is well! So exciting! We will be checking in today to see if any news!!!! Praying for ya!

How did they induce?

The Essons said...

Praying for you Jenna -can't wait to hear your good news!

The Glocks said...

can't wait to meet baby mathew!!!! praying!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! We heard you have a healthy little boy. Praise God! Can't wait to see pictures of him. :)

Love, The Russell's

Williams' Family said...

Heard you had a baby boy! Congrats! Can't wait to see pictures! Hope all is going well!!!!

Kim Ferguson said...

I received pics on email...I am still on the ACC list which is nice!

He is adorable!
